Caring People- Tracey's Auction
I joined STM a month ago yesterday. I really didnt know anyone there but my friend Charlee from the jungle told me about the place so I thought I would check it out. I instantly fell in love with the members there. They are so sweet and sincere that I couldnt help but to fall in love with the place.
Shortly after I joined another girl joined named Tracey. Her layouts immediately impressed me. She is increadibly talented. The kind of talent you wish you were born with, taletned. Shortly after joining she told us of a problem her daughter had medically and was seeking prayers. It was so sad hearing what this poor child had endured already in life and only now to require more surgery. I felt so sorry for her and wanted to do something for her but couldn't think of anything.
A few nights later Charlee and I were yacking on yahoo! and I had mentioned an altered canvas I made for an auction on another site for a scrapper that had lost everything in a fire. That immediately prompted Charlee to ask Lynette if we could host an auction on the STM site. Because of legalaites she couldnt but Deborrah stepped right up to the plate and offered her blog to host!
HOW awesome is this! Deborrah is taking sign-ups on her blog. She sends me the information and I am coordinating all the projects, photos and communications. Then I send the information back to Deborrah who is going to set up everything on Ebay for auction. Charlee is going to coordinate all the shipping of items. What an increadible world we live in to have all these people, strangers, work together in order to help a fellow human in need. I am so impressed! Its not every day that you can get so many people to help a fellow stranger.
Sooooooo, I have created my project for the auction. I am loving how it turned out and realy hate to part with it. Why is it that I do that all the time. I will probably end up bidding on the dog-gone thing because I like it *giggle*! I hope all of the items sell and that we raise a ton of money for Tracey and her family in their time of need!