Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Sneak Peek of My Chalet Contest Entry

Ive mentioned before that I am involved with a contest at the Chalet. Each week we are given a challege that we have to complete and then the members of the board vote to see which layout they like best. WELL I have surprisingly made it to round FOUR! YAY

Last weeks challenge was hard... H-A-R-D... hard! It was a scraplift of one of the DT members there Jeanne. Super cute layout but I struggled with it all week. FINALLY, literally twenty minutes before it came due I had it finished and uploaded. shew! You can see it in the Chalet Gallery.

This weeks challenge was SOOOOOOO easy! It was a challenge to create a layout based on a super cute ad!

I took one look at that ad and knew this was going to be easy. The colors struck me, the layout struck me and it was all mapped out. I finished it in record time! NOW the hard part. I HATE being the first one to upload to the gallery so I am holding off for a bit. I CANNOT get a good picture of it to save my life! soooooooooo I am going to show you a sneaky peek of my latest layout. Please leave comments and let me know what you think!

It will be uploaded in the Chalet Gallery sometime on Friday or Saturday!

1 comment:

~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~ said...

I LOVE this LO!!!! Great work!